Saturday, December 5, 2009


So with the holidays here I took the opportunity to think about all the things I am thankful for. I am thankful for both my family and Andy's. While I do not always feel like I fit in with Andy's family, they have still welcomed me with opened arms and been there for us through everything. All the support from both our families have been overwhelming. I am thankful for our friends, far and near and also those we have parted ways with. I am thankful for Genevieve's diagnosis of EHK. It has helped me and Andy become the best parents we can be. We have learned how to have a voice and stand up for others when things just dont seem right. While it has tore our relationship apart at first, it has finally brought us together again. It has helped us to bond more with Genevieve and with one another. I am also thankful for our EHK friends. Without them, I don't where we would be right now. I have truthfully learned to not take for granted the little things that other people may not be able to do or acheieve.I am also thankful for and the Feb 2009 birth board. The moms on there leave me speechless with their never ending support for us. Since I found out i was pregnant with Genevieve, they have been there for me. When Viv was born with EHK, they were there. When we needed help with things because we were down to one income after Viv was born, they all pitched in together and sent us packages galore of diapers, aquaphor, gift certificates, etc. When I set up our donation account for Viv's medical bills and Mayo Clinic account, they all donated. I know that no matter what time of day, if I need someone, I can call any one of them and they will be there. While they may not be able to completely relate or know what we are going through, they do their absolute best to help us.

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